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Cole Avenue Storm Drain

Client: Webb Associates
Date: January 2013

C Below provided Utility Locating to determine the horizontal location of all underground facilities within the proposed alignment of the new storm drain pipeline in Riverside, CA. In order to achieve this task, C Below used an Electromagnetic Locator, Handheld GPR, Ground Penetrating Radar, Ram Rods, and a Transponder.

The utility locations were then plotted on a CADD Drawing in clear, easy-to-read detail. Each utility was labeled and color-coded in accordance with the indications marked in the field. C Below then submitted to the City the revised exhibit along with a final estimated potholing list to obtain approval prior to the commencement of the work.

After, C Below verified the depth of all existing utility facilities per the City approved pothole list using Vacuum Excavation methods. Each pothole was clearly documented and then back-filled, compacted, and patched to match in kind.