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Call before you cut, core, drill or dig.

DigAlert 811

DigAlert is a free service that allows utility owners to mark out their utilities in the public right of way to protect their assets. Calling DigAlert is the law for any form of excavation in the public right of way.

Underground Utility Investigations & Locating

To call DigAlert, simply dial 811 to notify them of your intention to excavate on a road, alley, sidewalk, or other publicly controlled area. DigAlert looks up the registered utility owners that may be effected within the corresponding grid area. A notice is sent out by DigAlert to each utility owner making them aware of your intentions, and giving them 48 hours to respond. It is now the utility owners responsibility to mark out their lines to the best of their ability to avoid conflict.

Ready to Get Started?

Whether you have a project in the works or are still in the planning stages, let our team know how we can be of service. Take a moment to request a free quote for our utility investigation services.